Vorige maand werd bekend dat Pretty Little Liars' Shay Mitchell in een nieuwe serie te zien zal zijn met Gossip Girls Penn Badgley. Goed nieuws, oordeelden wij toen al. Maar het wordt alleen maar beter.

In een interview met Entertainment TonightEntertainment Tonight werd Shay gevraagd naar de serie, die You gaat heten, en volgens de actrice zal iedere PLL-fan straks smullen van haar nieuwe show.

'It's juicy… It still has all those elements that PLL had with it being sort of a mystery, there's a romance part to it and it's just exciting. It's definitely going to have those elements. I think it's a little bit more mature… It deals with a lot of crazy things like PLL did, but it's a different storyline. If you loved PLL, you're gonna absolutely love You. And if you never saw PLL, you're still going to love You.'

Nu zal haar nieuwe personage, Peach Salinger. wel heel anders zijn dan Pretty Little Liars' Emily Fields. Vooral stukken 'gemener' aldus Shay.

'Peach is the complete 180 from what Emily was. She is known to be not the nicest, so she is quote un-quote the 'mean girl', but you know she does have a love for Beck (Elizabeth Lail), the main character, and you'll see that. She has, um, a very interesting relationship with her.'

Shay vertelde ook hoe verheugd ze was om met Penn Badgley te mogen spelen. De actrice was vroeger ook groot fan van Gossip Girl.

'I don't know anybody who wasn't a Gossip Girl fan, you know? Me and my friends loved watching it. Penn is so hilarious… he's a goof on set even though he plays a kind of a serious character and we have a lot of fun. We've worked with a lot of the same directors and know a lot of the same people, so… to come together, it's really cool.'

You zal in april te zien zijn. Nog even wachten dus.