1. Katten
> Rachel: ‘How long do cats live? Like assuming you don’t throw ‘em under a bus or something?’

2. Joker
> Phoebe: ‘Hey, you know what I just realized?  ‘Joker’ is ‘poker’ with a ‘J’. Coincidence?’
> Chandler: ‘Hey, that’s ‘joincidence’ with a ‘C’.’

3. Unisex
> Rachel: ‘See? Unisex.’
> Joey: ‘Maybe *you* need sex. I just had it a few days ago.’
> Rachel: ‘No, Joey, U-N-I-sex.’
> Joey: ‘I wouldn't say no to that.’

4. Rachel, Ross, Monica
> Monica: ‘I'm Rachel: I love Ross. I hate Ross. I love Ross. I hate Ross.’
> Rachel:  ‘I'm Monica: I can't get a boyfriend so I'll stumble across the hall and sleep with the first guy I find there. ‘

5. Eerste woordje
> Rachel: ‘I don't want my baby's first words to be "How You Doing".’

6. Babynaam
> Ross: ‘Okay, how about Ruth?’
> Rachel: ‘Oh, I'm sorry, are we having an 89 year old woman?’

7. To handle
> Chandler: ‘I can handle this. "Handle" is my middle name. Actually, "handle" is the middle of my first name.’

8. Loopje
> Joey: ‘You think I need a new walk?’
> Chandler: ‘What?’
> Joey: ‘Well I've had the same walk since high school and you know how when a guy walks into a room and everybody takes notice. I think I need a 'take notice' walk.’
> Chandler: ‘Are you actually saying these words?’

9. Chocolademelk
> Ross: ‘What are you doing?’
> Chandler: ‘Making chocolate milk. You want some?’
> Ross: ‘No thanks, I'm 29.’

10. De moeder van Phoebe
> Phoebe: ‘Look, I had a hard life. My mother was killed by a drug dealer.’
> Monica: ‘Phoebe, your mom killed herself.’
> Phoebe: ‘She was a drug dealer.’

11. Koffie halen
> Phoebe: ‘I'm going to get a coffee. Anybody want anything?’
> Monica: ‘I’ll have a latte.’
> Ross: ‘I’ll have a blueberry muffin with a decaf.’
> Chandler: ‘I'll have a bagel with a little...’
> Phoebe: ‘You know I was just being polite.’

12. Joeys ongehoorde advies
> Joey: ‘Fine. No one ever listens to me. If the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside.’

13. Kruiswoordpuzzel
> Ross: ‘Heating device.’
> Phoebe: ‘Radiator.’
> Ross: ‘Five letters.’
> Phoebe: ‘Rdatr.’

14. Tepels
> Joey: ‘Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass over here.’
> Phoebe: ‘Really? Mine get me out of tickets.’

15. Pretty blonde
> Phoebe: ‘I may play the fool at times but I'm a little more than just a pretty blonde girl with an ass that won't quit.’

16. Wat? Wat? Wat?
> Chandler: ‘What? What? What is it? That she left you? That she likes women? That she left you for another woman that likes women?’
> Ross: ‘A little louder, okay? I think there's a man on the twelfth floor - in a COMA - who didn't hear you.’

17. Over Ross die verliefd is op Rachel
> Phoebe: ‘This is big. No this is huge. No this is like really really... all right what's bigger than huge?’
> Joey: ‘Uh, this?’
> Phoebe: ‘Yeah.’

18. I wish I could
> Joey: ‘Pheebs, you wanna help?’
> Phoebe: ‘Oh, I wish I could, but I really don't want to.’

19. Woo’en.
> Ross: ‘I figured after work, I'd pick up a bottle of wine, go over there, and try to... woo her.’
> Chandler: ‘Hey, you know what you should do? Take her back to the 1800's when that phrase was last used.’

20. Een vraag
> Joey: ‘Hey Mon, I got a question for you.’
> Monica: ‘Okay, for the bizillionth time, yes I see other women in the shower at the gym, and no I don't look.’

Jennifer Aniston: ‘The Rachel was een nachtmerrie om te onderhouden’ >

En dan nog even dit – de intro die we allemaal mee kunnen zingen.

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