Taylor Swift was afgelopen zondag bij de American Country Music Awards in Texas, en daar heb je vast nog niet van gehoord, maar dat doet er ook niet toe - ze kreeg er in ieder geval de Milestone Award in haar handen gedrukt, van niemand minder dan haar moeder.

Kort geleden maakte Swift bekend dat Andrea Swift zich, na aandringen van haarzelf, heeft laten checken bij de dokter en de diagnose kanker bleek. In dat licht is het moment waarop moeder Swift de award uitreikt nóg hartverwarmender. Ze speecht:

'For many years I was her constant companion, and I witnessed a young girl with very few friends become a young woman with many, learning to stand up for herself and the things she believed in. Like many of you out there tonight with children of your own: I am a very proud mom.'

Oef. Ruimte voor een lach was er ook, toen Andrea Swift déze anekdote ophaalde over 'a certain young man'. Jup, dat is ex Joe Jonas.

'Every once in a while her dad, her brother and I found ourselves to be the subject of her songs. Like the time she was seventeen years old and her dad and I strongly disapproved of a certain young man, and rightly so, but she was mad, she was real mad, and she went to her room and closed the door. She came about an hour later with a song called Love Story.'

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