Met deze speech (en haar verschillende bezoeken aan het oorlogsgebied) liet Angelina Jolie al zien dat de situatie in Syrië haar aan het hart gaat en ze zich hard wil maken voor verandering.

En dat gevoel zit zelfs zo diep, dat Angelina Jolie en Brad Pitt - volgens RadarOnline - de knoop hebben doorgehakt en hebben besloten een Syrisch kindje te adopteren. Een bron aan RadarOnline:

'On one solo trip, Angelina met three Syrian orphan siblings. They were all brothers. Angelina was heartbroken to learn the three of them had seen their father taken away by Syrian soldiers, and their home was also bombed. The oldest of the three was very quiet but never left Angie's side during the visit. Angie wanted to adopt all three, but when she got back to the United States, and told Brad about it, he said no. Going from six children to nine was just way too much, and Brad was concerned about how it would impact their other kids. But Angie didn't put up a fight. She knew it just wouldn't work.'

Uiteindelijk is het dus tot een compromis gekomen, zo zegt de bron, door het besluit één kindje te adopteren.

'It has been a very long process to adopt the Syrian orphan. The red tape has been almost impossible at times. It could take at least another four to five months before the child is brought to the United States.'

We houden je op de hoogte.