Voor wie het nog niet doorheeft: Justin Bieber gaat door een transformatie heen. De zanger hoopt dat mensen zien dat-ie heus veranderd is - onder andere door briljante dingen te doen als een Carpool Karaoke - en in zijn nieuwe (zéér openhartige) interview met Complex Magazine wil jij lezers er ook van overtuigen dat-ie écht zijn leven heeft gebeterd:

'What I really want people to see in this next chapter is not Justin Bieber the artist. I want people to start seeing me and feel like they can connect with me. I've made myself so unrelatable the past year with all the stuff that I was doing. Not even bad stuff sometimes, just outrageous stuff. Like, you got a monkey, what are you doing?'

In het interview praat Justin opmerkelijk openlijk over heel veel dingen, maar vooral over zijn relatie, of pardon, 'huwelijk' met Selena Gomez:

'I moved in with my girlfriend when I was 18. Started my own life with her. It was a marriage kind of thing. Living with a girl, it was just too much at that age. But we were so in love. Nothing else mattered. We were all about each other. But when it's like that and you get your value from that, people will always disappoint you. Your girl or your dude, they're always going to disappoint you. Your full identity can't be in that person. My identity was in her. Her identity was in me. When stuff would happen, I would lose my freakin' mind, and she would lose her mind, and we would fight so hard because we were so invested in each other. Love is a choice. Love is not a feeling. People have made it seem in movies that it's this fairy tale. That's not what love is. You're not gonna want to love your girl sometimes but you're gonna choose to love her. That's something in life that I had to figure out. I can't lean on people. I got to lean on God. I gotta trust in him through all my situations. Then, hopefully, my other relationships will flourish around me. But if I'm gonna be so invested in you, if you die, or something happens to you, I'm gonna be so destroyed, I won't be able to go on. If I can love you and know that I'm not who I am because you're being nice to me, but that I love you and I think you're an incredible person but you're just as broken as I am on the inside. We're all just trying to figure it out.'

Wow... Justin vertelt verder dat hij nu met iemand aan het daten is, en dat je het dan niet kunt helpen om haar met vorige relaties te vergelijken:

'You get scarred from certain things. Even like - I'm kind of seeing this girl, right? I'm shy about doing or saying certain things, and then I say it and it's not even a problem. And I'll remember when I couldn't...You're just scarred and you don't do something because in your last relationship they'd freak out, but the new person is just like, 'What are you talking about?''

Lees het hele interview van Justin Bieber met Complex Magazine - waarin-ie het ook over zijn nacht in de gevangenis en zijn geloof heeft - hier.