Gisteren kon je hier al het opmerkelijke interview van Heidi en Spencer Pratt lezen over Lauren Conrad en The Hills. De twee zorgden - uiteraard - weer voor aardig wat ophef door Lauren 'een koelbloedige moordenaar' te noemen 'die hun gebruikt had en expres als bad guys had neergezet'. Afijn, hier lees je het allemaal.

Blijkbaar was Heidi echter nog niet klaar met het bashen van haar 'voormalige beste vriendin', want tegen Us Weekly doet ze nu óók een boekje open. En het is niet mals. Heidi vertelt:

'I spent years pretending to like her for a living. It was literally my job to deal with her, and it wasn’t pleasant… I had nothing to do with her problems. I even tried to help her. The fact is, she lied about me and tried to destroy my life, yet I was the one painted as the villain so the show could have her as the good guy.'

Ouch! En daarna moet ook The Hills het nog even ontgelden:

'It’s not that I care about LC anymore, but it is upsetting to me that everyone knows by now that The Hills was a scripted show, yet people still think the negative stuff about me that the show set up to make me the villain to her hero was real. It’s bizarre. It’s like if people were still mad at James Earl Jones for being the voice of Darth Vader!'

Toch wenst Heidi Lauren Conrad het 'allerbeste' (ehh...):

'I don’t wish her any ill will, but I also don’t have to lie for her or play along with her story line as part of my job anymore. I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t for those years I was on the show and I think people got an image of me that just wasn’t me.  So I’ve just decided that I’m never going to be anything other than honest about her or my time on the show.'