Annie Lennox – zelf al jaren voorstander van het feminisme – vindt dat Beyoncé zichzelf een feminist noemt voor eigen gewin, zo verklaart ze in een nieuw interview.

I would call that 'feminist lite'. L-I-T-E. I’m sorry. It’s tokenistic to me,’ zegt Annie tegen PrideSource.

En er moet haar duidelijk iets van het hart, want daar stopt het nog lang niet:

I mean, I think she's a phenomenal artist – I just love her performances – but I’d like to sit down with her. I think I'd like to sit down with quite a few artists and talk to them. I see a lot of it as them taking the word hostage and using it to promote themselves, but I don't think they necessarily represent wholeheartedly the depths of feminism - no, I don't.


Text, Sky, Fashion, Photography, Font, Architecture, Shadow, Performance, Stage, Silhouette,

Zojuist op de Parijse catwalk: Chanel-modellen pleiten voor women’s rights >

Ook is Annie niet te spreken over Beyoncés sexy optredens:

I think for many it's very convenient and it looks great and it looks radical, but I have some issues with it. Of course I do. I think it's a cheap shot. What can I tell you? Sex always sells. And there's nothing wrong with sex selling, but it depends on your audience. If they're seven-year-old kids, I have issues with it.

Human leg, High heels, Entertainment, Performing arts, Music artist, Thigh, Electric blue, Knee, Violet, Foot,

Hmm… We weten nou niet echt wat we hier van moeten vinden. Agree to disagree?

Zijn we toch benieuwd wat Annie Lennox dan vindt van Emma Watsons prachtspeech over feminisme.

Mooi: zo reageren celebrities op Emma Watsons speech >