Clothing, Sleeve, Human body, Shoulder, Textile, Standing, Joint, Style, Knee, Fashion,

Dit is 'm: de man die de moed verzamelde om een week lang als Gwyneth Paltrow te leven. De moed, inderdaad, want we weten ten slotte allemaal dat Gwyneth Paltrow van een speciale mensensoort is gemaakt dat gluten, cafeïne, alcohol en elke ander product dat het leven de moeite waard maakt bijna ongeloofwaardig makkelijk links kan laten liggen.

Michael Buchinger, een 23-jarige blogger uit Australië, leefde een week lang als een gezondheidsfreak en deelde zijn ervaringen opVice Germany. Een greep uit zijn ontdekkingen.

1. Paltrows ideale snack kost heel veel tijd en levert weinig op

'Throughout the day I snacked on almonds that I'd soaked in water for six hours. Gwyneth says they're the "ideal snack." Obviously she's never tried chili cheese fries. She also forgot to mention that this snack doesn't taste like anything.'

2. Gwyneth Paltrows ideale dessert is dan daarentegen wél weer heel goed

'I decided to be a good guest and bring Gwyneth's most mindful dessert: a gluten-free berry crumble with quinoa flakes. The crumble was a downright hit at the party. My friend Sarah, who's an amazing chef, complimented me for bringing such a tasty pudding. All the compliments were getting to my head. I wondered if Sarah had ever soaked almonds in water. Overall, the dinner party was a huge success.'

3. Op dag drie wordt het dieet (al) moeilijk

'I woke up feeling weak and just about ready to end my diet. I obviously didn't have as much willpower as Gwyneth—who on her birthday in 2012 skipped cake and instead nibbled on a "birthday fruit platter" with her friends Sofia Coppola and Cameron Diaz. But then I remembered the time Gwyneth was hiking in Arizona and thought she heard the rocks whispering the mantra, "You have the answer, you are the teacher!" I stayed really quiet and hoped that my walls would whisper something to me. Unfortunately, I only heard my older neighbor coughing and then spitting something out.'

4. Gwyneth eet voor haar yogaklas een bord vol bonen, maar dat is niet zo'n goed idee

'If you think it's a good idea to eat a kilo of beans before an hour of yoga, think again. I definitely liked yoga more than Tracy Anderson's dance spectacle, but my favorite position is still shavasana, where you have to lay on the floor with your legs spread as if you'd eaten a bad curry.'

5. Maar Gwyneth heeft wél een punt: gezond eten is inderdaad de moeite waard

'All of the recipes I tried from her book were delicious. I hardly felt hungry at all, and I even got a Facebook message from an older man calling me a "fresh boy xD"—which I assume meant that I'd gotten cuter. The dumplings didn't disappoint, either; my friends could hardly believe that this delicious dish came from my very own kitchen—the home of burnt Christmas cookies and a horror juicer. Maybe all the annoying things people say about nutrition aren't as wrong as I'd always thought.'

Lees het hele artikel hier.