Pretty Little Liars keer (eindelijk!) bijna terug en er druppelt steeds meer nieuws binnen over de nieuwe afleveringen. Zo weten we dat één van de liars gaat trouwen(!) én wordt er nu onthuld dat... Jenna Marshall terugkeert! Jawel, de ultieme bad girl is back.

Tammin Sursok, die Jenna vertolkt, verklapt aan onze collega's van de Amerikaanse Cosmopolitan dat ze niet kan wachten tot het nieuwe seizoen begint. Ze is aardig lang weggeweest, omdat ze zwanger was en daarna wat tijd nam om te genieten van haar dochtertje.

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Hoe het is om weer terug te keren op de set? Spannend, aldus Tammin:

'The girls haven't seen Jenna in a year and a half, so it's kind of a big surprise. She's definitely involved in a lot of exciting, tantalizing things that the viewers want answers for. We still tread the line of, ‘Is she blind? Is she not blind?’ She's gonna come back with some gusto, and I'm in most of the season, so it's pretty exciting.'

De actrice verklapt dat ze terugkomt als een 'nieuwe Jenna':

'Yes, my look definitely changes. I think she went through a really tough period obviously because she was visually impaired — and she might be or she might not be — but I think she's come to terms with the fact that it's not gonna get better. She's trying some different things with her look and the audience will see that.'

Verder hoef je van Tammin echter geen spoilers te verwachten:

'I get the script literally three days before. I'm not even kidding. I launched my blog Bottle Heels on Sunday and we had a massive party, and the next day, I found out I had a table read. So thank goodness I didn't drink too much! We know pretty much just before, which is kind of exciting too. I think it's great to all know the next step of each episode together.'

Uiteraard zou ook Tammin wel willen weten wié nou Uber A is. En ze hoopt eigenlijk dat zij het is:

'Part of me wants it to be me. I've been made the villain for so long and then people didn't think I was the villain, so it would be so fun to go, ‘Actually I was the villain!’'


Pretty Little Liars keert op 21 juni terug.