In een van de grootste kranten van Italië, Corriere della Sera, om precies te zijn. Want: naast de Italiaanse modeweek vindt er in Milaan ook een Festival delle lettere plaats. Ten faveure van dat laatste feestje nam Gabbana pen ter hand om voor de krant een liefdesbrief voor Dolce te schrijven.

Of nouja, formeel zijn ze geen partners meer, want de verkering tussen de twee ging in 2005 uit. Maar ze zijn wél twintig jaar geliefden geweest – het stel ontmoette elkaar voor het eerst per toeval aan de telefoon, toen de 21-jarige Gabbana naar de kleermaker Giorgio Correggiari belde en met zijn 17-jarige assistent Domenico Dolce werd doorverbonden.

Na de break-up bleef het duo uiteraard zakenpartner, maar ook vrienden, en misschien zijn ze inmiddels nog wel veel méér van elkaar: familie. ‘You are my family. Many years have passed since I first heard your voice on the other end of the phone, everything has changed and yet nothing has changed,’ schrijft Gabbana.

Ahw. Genoeg gekletst: de hele brief hieronder.

‘Dear Domenico,

I have never wrote you a letter. Maybe because there was never a need for many words between you and I. We always understood each other with a look. This is the first time I write to you and, I have to confess, it all seems strange to me.

During interviews, the sentences we exchange chase quickly, like a game of ping pong: I begin a speech and you end it, you have not even finished to express a thought that I interrupt you, reply and I finish your earlier idea.

Everything is different with a pen and a piece of paper, the words are more difficult, they have a deeper value that will forever remain unique, such as, it was and will always be you for me.

We have created together Dolce & Gabbana from scratch and with the strength of our love we have achieved everything we have. Supporting each other, we managed to overcome many difficulties and prejudice. Even today, thanks to that feeling that binds us inextricably to each other, we will continue to face the happiness and the sorrows that life reserve to us. You are my family. Many years have passed since I first heard your voice on the other end of the phone, everything has changed and yet nothing has changed. The love that I felt then, has only been transformed, and it continues to give me so many beautiful feelings. You are and you will always be unique in my life, so as the letter I am writing to you.

I love you,


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