Afgelopen week stond Emma Watson op de cover van Vanity Fair. En je zag haar borst.

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Dat nodigde uit tot een discussie die ging over hoe feministisch Emma Watson nu echt was, maar gelukkig wist Emma Watson de kinderachtige discussie in context te plaatsen met deze quote:

'Feminism is about giving women choice, feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with, it's about freedom, it's about liberation, it's about equality. I don't really know what my tits have to do with it.'

Denk je dat daar de kous mee af is, dan heb je het mis. Men meende namelijk een hypocrisie te zien in haar woorden, nadat er een interview uit 2014 bij werd gehaald waarin ze het in Tavi Gevinsons Wonderland over Beyoncé's album heeft.

De woorden 'choice', 'freedom' en 'liberation' zouden niet stroken met haar 'kritiek' op Beyoncé in dat interview. Watson zegt in dit interview namelijk:

'As I was watching [the videos] I felt very conflicted. I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that on the one hand she is putting herself in a category of a feminist, but then the camera, it felt very male, such a male voyeuristic experience of her.'

Goed, Emma moest dus weer in de weer met Twitter om zich te verdedigen, want haar quote werd behoorlijk uit de context gerukt. Watson:

'This is the part of my 2014 interview with Tavi where we talked about Beyoncé. My words are in bold.'

Het tweede gedeelte is de vetgedrukte tekst:

[Beyoncé] does make it clear that she is performing for him. And the fact she wasn't doing it for a label, she was doing it for herself and the control that she has directing it and putting it out there, I agree is making her sexuality empowering because it is her choice.

The second is that I would say you do get sense of, 'I can be a feminist, I can be an intellectual, I can be all these other things, but I can also be ok with my femininity and being pretty and with all these things that I thought might negate my message or negate what I am about'. That really is the most interesting thing about the album. It is so inclusive and puts feminism and femininity and female empowerment on such a broad spectrum.

Kijk, en daar heb je het. Hoewel Watson even moest nadenken over wat ze precies van Beyoncé's boodschap vond, was ze het er uiteindelijk mee eens dat de manier waarop Beyoncé haar seksualiteit gebruikt, juist empowering is.

Zoals's Jaya Saxena schreef: 'Feminism is not about choices alone, but about the political implications of and equal access to those choices.'