Chace Crawford werd het vuur aan de schenen gelegd door presentator Andy Cohen in de Amerikaanse talkshow Watch What Happens Live. De acteur werd gevraagd hoe het was op de set, toen Blake Lively en Penn Badgley - die niet alleen in de serie samen waren, maar ook in het echte leven - een punt zetten achter hun real-life relatie. Was er ruzie? Ongemakkelijkheid? Kozen de andere acteurs kanten?

Nee hoor, niets van dat alles. Toen Cohen vroeg 'during your time on Gossip Girl, Chace, did Blake Lively and Penn Badgley’s real-life romance, relationship and breakup cause drama amongst the cast?, antwoordde Chace Crawford politiek correct met:

'Not at all, not in the least. The most mature people in the world, yeah.'

Oké dan.

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Gossip Girl vs. Real-life

Blake Lively en Penn Badgley waren samen van 2007 tot 2010. Geinig detail: Blake trouwde in dezelfde week met man Ryan Reynolds, als dat ze de allerlaatste Gossip Girl-scene opnam waarin haar karakter Serena Van Der Woodsen trouwde met Penn Badgleys karakter Dan Humphrey. Op de klanken van Florence and the Machine, die óók zong tijdens Blakes trouwerij met Ryan. Ha! Dan moet je inderdaad geen hard feelings meer koesteren.

Ook Gossip Girl co-producer en schrijver Joshua Safran vertelde in 2017 aan Vanity Fair hoe professioneel Blake en Penn na hun breuk waren:

'The shocking thing was, I found out on the set of the season 2 finale that Blake and Penn had broken up months before. They kept the breakup hidden from the crew, which you could never do now. I don’t even know how they did it. They kept it from everybody, which is a testament to how good they are as actors. Because they did not want their personal drama to relate to the show.'


Blake Lively liet ook aan Vanity Fair weten hoe het was om met Penn Badgley te daten terwijl ze Serena Van Der Woodsen speelde:

'I remember there was one point where we were just afraid of how our personal lives overlapping our work life could be perceived by our bosses. [But then] we were like, "Oh no, that’s exactly what they want." They wanted us all to date. They wanted us all to wear the same clothes that we’re wearing on the show. They wanted that, because then it fed their whole narrative. People could buy into this world. At the time, what was heightened was, wow, it all looks similar from the outside, but it’s so different on the inside.'